Customizing PinballY's Appearance

PinballY lets you customize many aspects of its visual and audio presentation by providing your own images, video, and sound files, and through variables in the settings file and/or settings dialogs. The sections below explain the various options.

Media folder location

All of the customizable media items go in subfolders of the main Media folder. PinballY looks for the main Media folder in two locations, in this order:

These two locations might be identical. That's the case if you've chosen to keep all of your game media files within the PinballY install folder.

But the two folder locations will be different if you're sharing game media files with a HyperPin or PinballX installation. In that case, you can store your PinballY custom media files in either location. The PinballY Media folder will be searched first, so files located there will take precedence. This lets you share files by default with PinballX or HyperPin, while also letting you override selected files just for PinballY, without affecting the other program(s). Just place the files you want to override in the PinballY\Media folder, and PinballY will use those files in preference to like-named files in the game media folder.