DOF Options

This dialog lets you control how PinballY uses DOF (the DirectOutput Framework). DOF is a separate software package that manages feedback devices in a pin cab, such as flipper solenoids and flasher lights. PinballY can use DOF to activate your feedback devices when events occur in the UI. For example, it can trigger the flipper solenoids when you press the flipper buttons, and flash your flasher lights when switching between games.

The only option in the DOF setup page is Enable DOF effects. Check this box to use DOF effects in PinballY; un-check it to disable these effects. This only affects PinballY's DOF usage, obviously; it won't change the way DOF is used in Visual Pinball or any other programs.

DOF setup

PinballY automatically detects if DOF is installed, so in most cases, all you have to do is install DOF normally. However, there are a few extra steps required on some systems. Please see Installation > DOF for details.

The specific DOF effects that PinballY triggers are defined through DOF's own configuration files. Most people set up the DOF configuration using the online DOF Config Tool. As far as DOF is concerned, PinballY is just another pinball table, called "PinballY". You can customize the PinballY DOF effects as follows:

All of the PinballY event triggers are "virtual" events, which have names starting with $PBY. For a list of these events, see DOF Events.

For more information about DOF in general, see DOF Setup in the Pinscape Build Guide.