Event Class

This is the base class for all event objects. The system creates an Event object each time a listenable event occurs, storing the details of what happened in properties of the Event object. The Event object is passed as a parameter to each event listener method registered for the event. For example, when the user presses a key on the keyboard, the system creates an Event object with properties describing which key was pressed, then passes this object as a parameter to each "keydown" event listener registered with the mainWindow object.

There are several subclasses of Event used for specific types of events. These all have the basic properties and methods of the Event base class, and add their own additional properties of their own that describe the details of the specific type of event they represent. See Event Types for a list of the event-specific subtypes.

Common properties

All Event objects have a set of basic properties, regardless of the event type.

Common methods

All Event objects have a set of basic methods, regardless of the event type.