instCardWindow Object

instCardWindow is a pre-defined PinballY object representing the Instruction Card window in the user interface. This is a window that can be optionally opened to show the apron instruction card for the currently selected game at any given time. (This is a separate top-level window, not the separate pop-up graphic overlay that the user can bring up within the playfield or backglass window via the "Instructions" command. That's not a separate top-level window, just a graphic overlay on those other windows.)

Class inheritance structure

This object is an instance of the Secondary Window class, so it has all of the behavior defined in that class, as well as in the base window class.

Basic Window Object
Secondary Window

Event target

The instruction card window object is an event target, so you can use the standard event methods (on(), off(), addEventListener(), etc) to add and remove event listeners. See EventTarget. This window receives the following event types:

Methods and properties

This object is a Secondary Window, so it inherits the methods and properties defined for that class as well as the common window base class methods and properties. It doesn't currently have any additional properties or methods beyond the common set.