NativePointer Objects

A NativePointer object represents a memory pointer value, for use with external DLL functions through the DLL importer system. These objects are automatically created by the system when needed.

The reason we need our own "native pointer" type is that pointers are used widely in the Windows APIs, and in many other DLLs, but Javascript doesn't have any concept of a pointer or memory address. Pointers are tied to the structure of physical memory, and while Javascript does ultimately use memory just like any other programming system, it hides all of the details of how that memory is laid out from programs written in the language. If we want to be able to access external functions that work in terms of pointers, we have to add something to Javascript that's capable of representing a pointer value. That's what NativePointer does.

A NativePointer object isn't quite the same thing as a C pointer. A NativePointer is actually a Javascript object, not some new datatype. A NativePointer object contains a native memory pointer value as a hidden internal property. As such, Javascript code can work with a NativePointer object just like any other object, and the DLL importer can access the contained memory pointer value when calling between Javascript and native code.

In addition to the memory address it contains, a NativePointer stores the C datatype of the underlying value. This allows for type checking when using the pointer and accessing the referenced memory, to help avoid common errors arising from mixing pointers to unlike types.


You usually won't need to create NativePointer objects manually. The DLL importer usually creates these for you automatically when pointer values are passed to Javascript from native DLL code. For example, if you call a function that returns a pointer value as its result, the importer creates a NativePointer object to represent the returned pointer value.

You can also get a pointer to a native object using NativeObject.addressOf(nativeObject). See NativeObject.

If you have some unusual situation that requires creating a pointer to a specific memory address that isn't already in the form of a pointer, you can use NativePointer.fromNumber() to create a pointer to a numeric address:

// create a pointer to physical memory address 0x12345678 let p = NativePointer.fromNumber(0x12345678);

It should go without saying that this is inherently dangerous, in the sense that it can crash the program if used improperly. Use it only when you know what you're doing and have a good reason for it.

Pointer conversions and type checking

A pointer always points to some other type. If you get a pointer from the DLL importer, such as from the return value from a native function, or an element of a native struct, the pointer internally records the type of the source object. The NativePointer class uses this to ensure that you only use the pointer value to reference the right kind of data. In particular, you can only assign a NativePointer value to a native data object if the pointer has a compatible type.

dllImport.define("struct Pointers { int *pInt; float *pFloat; }"); let p = dllImport.create("struct Pointers"); let i = dllImport.create("int"); p.pInt = NativePointer.addressOf(i); // valid - same pointer type p.pFloat = NativePointer.addressOf(i); // INVALID - different pointer type

This type checking is intended to avoid errors that could crash the program. If you pass any of these objects to native code in a DLL, the native code won't have any of the information that Javascript has about the value types; native code just sees the raw bytes, and blindly assumes that the bytes are laid out correctly according to the declared types. Many types of application crashes are caused by data values that got scrambled because someone wasn't careful about using the right pointer types.

However, native APIs sometimes force you to get into the details of how the bytes are laid out, so in some cases it's necessary to forcibly convert one pointer type to another. NativePointer has a way to do this: the method. This lets you do the equivalent of a C "type cast", forcing the pointer to a different type.

p.pFloat = NativePointer.addressOf(i).to("float*");

Needless to say, you should only use this type of forced pointer conversion when the underlying memory really is laid out in the way that you're asserting it to be. Don't make the newbie C programmer mistake of using a type cast to "shut up the compiler" (that is, to override a system safeguard without fully understand the reason for the safeguard). Be sure you know what you're doing when you mess with the hardware bytes like this.

Methods and properties Returns a NativeObject that represents the native data that the physical memory pointer within the NativePointer object points to. This new Javascript object represents the underlying native data value just as though it had come from native code directly, so you can access the underlying native value by using the .value property or, in the case of a struct type, the named elements of the struct. is analogous to the *pointer operator in C.

// let's define a function returning a pointer to a struct dllImport.define("struct foo { int a; int b; }"); let { func } = dllImport.bind("MyDll.dll", "struct foo *func()"); // calling the function returns a NativePointer pointing to a 'foo' struct let p = func(); // 'at' gives us structure itself let s =; // now we can access the struct's fields s.a = 123; s.b = 456; // we could also do this more directly = 789; // with a pointer to a simple type, we use .value instead of a struct field let { func2 } = dllImport.bind("MyDll.dll", "int *func2()"); p = func2(); = 7;

NativePointer.fromNumber(number): Creates and returns a new void* pointer that references the given memory address.

A void* pointer serves as a wildcard pointer that you can convert to any other pointer type. You can't use a void* pointer by itself to access the memory at the referenced location, because "void" means that we haven't declared what sort of data is at the referenced location. A void pointer is just a raw memory address. What you can do with a void* pointer is assign it freely to any other pointer type:

// create a pointer to int, initially a null pointer (pointing nowhere) let pInt = dllImport.create("int*"); // now point it to a location we got from some external source pInt.value = NativePointer.fromNumber(0x12345678); // read the value at that address let i =;

Caution! fromNumber() is obviously bare-metal programming that bypasses the normal Javascript type checking and memory management. Even C programmers consider this sort of thing bad form. But there are some contexts where you really need to do it, which is why we provide the capability. Some APIs make this sort of unstructured pointer manipulation unavoidable. But you should only use it when you're really sure you know what you're doing, and you're equally sure there isn't a more type-safe approach.

pointer.isNull: Returns true if the underlying native pointer is a null pointer, false if not. Null pointers are often used in native code to represent special cases, such as missing or default values, or unused "out" parameters. They're somewhat analogous to the Javascript null value semantically, but of course a native null pointer has a specific native representation. A null pointer on current Windows platforms happens to be represented as hardware address zero, so toNumber() will return 0 for a null pointer, but it's bad practice to assume this will always be true. It could change on future platforms, because the underlying representation of a pointer is hardware-specific. isNull() is the proper way to test for a null pointer, since it uses the appropriate hardware representation for the local machine. Returns a new NativePointer representing the same pointer value, but with its type signature changed to typeName. This lets you override the normal type checking that prevents mixing unlike pointer types. Needless to say, that's dangerous, so only use it when (a) it's necessary and (b) you know what you're doing.

let pInt = dllImport.create("int*"); let pFloat = dllImport.create("float*"); pInt.value = pFloat.value; // INVALID - incompatible type pInt.value ="int*"); // forcibly convert the type

If the new type name is a numeric type rather than a pointer type, the bits making up the pointer's address are reinterpreted as that numeric type, and a NativeObject is returned instead of a NativePointer.

pointer.toArray(numberOfElements): Returns a new NativeObject representing a native array of the same type that the pointer refers to, at the same native memory location, with the given number of elements.

This creates an array view of the same data that the pointer refers to. This routine doesn't allocate new memory or increase the size of the memory area that the pointer points to. You should only use it when you know that the memory area at the pointer already has the number of elements that you're asking to view.

This method will seem bizarre if you're used to Javascript. But it's a very common thing to do in C. In C, pointers and arrays are closely related. A C array is a block of contiguous items of the same type, arranged in memory one after the other. A variable that contains an array of type T therefore has exactly the same representation as a pointer to T. For that reason, APIs based on C syntax and C idioms will sometimes (often, in fact) use a pointer parameter when they really mean an array. In many cases, this is used to refer to an array with a size that will vary at run-time, meaning it can't be predicted when the function interface is declared. This function lets you do the same kind of pointer/array aliasing in Javascript. It's up to you to figure out how big the actual array in memory is. This is often indicated in another parameter or another struct member, but there's no particular convention for it, so you'll just have to figure it out on a case-by-case basis when it arises. If you're using a Windows API, the documentation should explain how the array size can be determined. Once you know the size of the live array data, this method lets you exchange your pointer variable for an array variable that lets you access all of the elements, using the normal array[index] syntax.

The reverse case is also common in C-style APIs, where you have an array object, and you want to treat it as a pointer to the element type, for storing in a struct or passing as a parameter. You can use NativeObject.addressOf() for that, passing in a NativeObject that represents a native array type. That will return a pointer to the array's first element.

pointer.toArrayBuffer(): Returns a Javascript ArrayBuffer object that provides byte access to the native memory that the pointer refers to. The buffer is the same size in bytes as the type that the pointer refers to.

pointer.toNumber(): Returns the memory address contained in the pointer as a Javascript number value. Note that on 64-bit Windows platforms, memory pointers are 64 bits long, which is greater than the capacity of Javascript's number type. It's therefore possible that this conversion won't be reversible. It's better to use toUint64() if you need a faithful representation of the address. However, regular Javascript numbers are somewhat easier to work with, so you can use this routine for cases where it's okay to lose precision, such as debugging or informational displays.

pointer.toString(): Returns a string representation of the pointer.

pointer.toStringZ(options): Attempts to interpret the native data at the pointer as a zero-terminated string. The pointer must refer to an 8-bit or 16-bit integer type: char, unsigned char, short, unsigned short, INT8, INT16, etc. An error is thrown if this is called for any other pointer type.

The "Z" in toStringZ() is for "Zero-terminated". The convention used in the C language, and many Windows API functions, is to represent a string as an array of characters, with a "null" character marking the end of the string. A null character is a character with ASCII or Unicode value zero. (That's not the character representing the digit '0' when printed. The digit '0' has ASCII/Unicode value 48. "Null" is a separate character with the code value 0. It doesn't have any standard printed representation; it's normally reserved for special purposes like this.)

options, if present, is an object with any of the properties listed below. This lets you control some details of how the character conversion is done. Any of the properties can be omitted to use the corresponding defaults, and the entire options argument can be omitted to use all default settings.

pointer.toUint64(): Returns a Uint64 value representing the memory address contained in the pointer. This should be used instead of toNumber() if you need a faithful representation of the full address, since pointers on 64-bit Windows systems might not fit into the native Javascript number type.